The testimony of this French father is a good example of a spiritual father feeling very much at home with Fathers Prayers.

Testimony of a French Father
For already a few months I regularly join a group of Fathers Prayers in my parish St. Mary of Batignolles in Paris. Our group has started with 3 participants but today it consists of 9 participants with one priest (widow) and one deacon.
We come together on Tuesday morning at 8.30 hours and those who wish can continue their prayers at the Mass of 9.30 hours.
I have never hidden to the other participants that I am not a father but with their warm reception and understanding, I feel perfectly integrated within the group.
They asked me ‘what are my motivations’? While thinking about this I perceived that during my long career as teacher I have taken up numerous times the role of substitute father for the pupils living in single-parent families who sought something they missed at home.
Many times I felt the impression to serve as a model or example, being able to answer a request for advice or affection or to serve as a sort of recognition for the adults who surround them. I have experienced and grasped the sense of being a father and I think that I can perceive what it entails.
My close friends who live in The Philippines have chosen me as a godfather to their third child, Lester. I have developed a very strong relationship with my godchild. Every year I visit the Philippines to celebrate the year-end festivities in order to meet my godchild and his parents.
Me and my godchild we have a strong connection: I was his advisor when he had to make choices about his studies and he confided in me when he first fell in love, almost like a real father.
Lester is married and he has received a little son which he had named Bernard!
I have never lived fatherhood but I can confirm that I have come very close to it and I merit my place within the Fathers Prayers group.