Prayer Meetings
We meet regularly (usually once a week) in groups of two to eight people, at someone’s home, or in a church – or elsewhere – to pray for all fathers and their families.
During our meetings we use the Fathers Prayers booklet and we need a table on which we place a cross (Jesus is our Redeemer), a bible (He is the Living Word), a candle (He is the Light of the World) and a small basket. In the baskets we place the names, written on paper discs, of those for whom we wish to pray. We follow our booklet of prayers which also includes worship and scripture reading but we also allow time for spontaneous prayer and sharing experiences. Our meetings are always friendly and welcoming, aware that not everyone may be of the same denomination or may have been in such a group before.
“And if you have faith, everything you ask for in prayer you will receive” (Matt. 21:22)
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask what you will and you shall get it” (John 15:7)

Fathers Prayers Booklet
The Fathers Prayers booklet PDF can be downloaded here.
Please go to Get Involved on how to obtain booklets by regular post for free.
We encourage all fathers to pray daily the Fathers Daily Prayer as written on the first page of this booklet.

Fathers Daily Prayer
O Lord our God, we thank you for the gift of fatherhood and ask for your help when we are in difficulties and when we fail to carry out our responsibilities, to love and to protect our families.
We want to turn away from the things that separate us from you. Please guide our lives and inspire us in all that we do.
Lord, give us the strength and guidance we need to fulfil our role, to accept our proper place in society as fathers, following the example of Joseph the husband of Mary.
We ask you, Lord, for your protection over the women and children you have placed in our care; please guard them against any evil or harmful influence.
Lord, please bless Mothers Prayers, Fathers Prayers and Children of Faith that they will each continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit.